Hi! Today I published a post on my Instagram profile in collaboration with that of the blog (which I founded) thegametv.org.
I am happy to have started this adventure on Twitch. I want to thank Xbox (the Italian press office) for giving me the opportunity to play Game Pass for free for the next 3 months! On Twitch I will bring all the games of the Game Pass and on thegametv.it and thegametv.org, the English version, articles\reports of the live broadcasts will come out every week.
Also with NordVPN the collaboration has been renewed.
TheGameTV is a project that was born in 2017 and has reached important milestones…not only many views on blogs and a virtual press office that publishes on other blogs and online newspapers but we have also promoted many initiatives, including one that even reached the Italian Parliament.
I firmly believe in this project that, with the Twitch live broadcasts, expands and grows even more.Moreover, from today all collaborations with brands (present and future) are with TheGameTV group (which also includes my social profiles and my website https://www.andreapimpini.com). Creating an ecosystem that can also enhance other brands is one of the main goals of TheGameTV project.
Finally, the official TheGameTV app will soon be back on the Google Play Store (it had been removed a few months ago due to various problems).
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A post that I also wanted to share here on the blog, one that will support all initiatives to come. For questions, proposals or collaborations, do not hesitate to contact us!

Andrea Pimpini is a student of Economics and Management at the University of Chieti-Pescara and, from September 2022 to February 2023, he is also an Erasmus+ student at the University of Split (Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism). Andrea has also taken three courses offered by the prestigious CERGE-EI Foundation and, being a Japanese language enthusiast, has taken two courses provided by the Japan-Abruzzo Association. In 2022, Andrea took the courses “Music Business Foundations,” “Copyright Law in the Music Business” and “Building your career in music: Developing a brand and financing your music” offered by Berklee Online on Coursera.org.
A big hobby of Andrea’s is music and, thanks to his college and web experiences, he manages everything on his own (print and radio promotion, digital marketing, etc.). Media success is not long in coming: in 2020, live streams are shared on national newspapers such as Sky TG24, alongside well-known names from the Italian music scene (Modà, Francesco Renga, Nek, etc.). In 2021, Billboard places Andrea at the top of a chart for 3 consecutive weeks. Finally, in 2022, Il Messaggero, one of the most popular and best-selling newspapers in Italy, interviews Andrea.